Two or three times a year, we are in urgent need of key items like diapers, wipes and formula. We have started an email list of our most loyal followers who may be able to respond at these critical times of need. Are you one of them? Please email us at and we would be pleased to add you to the list.
Autumn and Abundance!
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse…and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10
Dearest friends,
September is the month where we leap into Autumn. Fall has always been my favorite time of year. The retreating into the earth of plant life and the nakedness of the trees can show us our strength. I believe the more we shed the things that keep us heavy of heart and soul, the more we grow in service. We see the needs of others because we are not so “self-centered” and our true joy comes in giving, serving and loving.
We, the volunteers, are fully committed to MaRiH’s mission and the work at hand. Each individual mom, dad and child are unique in their needs and hopes and dreams. We have been very busy, and the need seems to be greater than ever. Many expectant mothers continue to reach out in stress and anxiety, and with love, we attempt to meet their needs practically and with love and support.
But, also, we are so keenly aware of the suffering in our world right now. We have brothers and sisters in Haiti who are in a struggle for food, shelter and basic needs after their terrible earthquake; this, while still recovering from other storms over the last number of years. The need is great. We are aware of our brothers and sisters from Afghanistan who are being relocated for their health, safety and because of their assistants to the American troops during the difficult 20-year war. The change is hard, and the need is great.
In recent weeks we have evaluated our clothing resources at the Center. We receive many, many, donations of clothing on a consistent basis from so many generous and loving people. We sort by size, gender and season and store in boxes until we fill the 100’s of requests that come to us throughout the year. This is our priority. As we evaluated our inventory, we recognized how blessed we are to have more clothing, in certain sizes, than we can give to the local community we serve. We decided that we wanted to give from our abundance to the Haitian and the in-coming Afghan communities. On Monday of Labor Day, we had eight volunteers come to the Center and put together dozens of boxes of clothing to be shared among these two beautiful communities. We delivered many boxes to Haiti via the Stella Marina ministry through the mission work of Nativity Parish in Burke. Also, we are in the process of getting the excess winter clothing to two local organizations that are serving the in-coming Afghan families. We can do this because of you – the community who gives in such abundance. We never take it for granted.
We continue to serve our precious families from near and far and every gesture of generosity is a gesture of love. Thank you for your love. We continue to walk the walk with you and are honored to be in the vineyard working alongside each of you.
Executive Director

A Volunteer Testimony
We started volunteering at the MaRiH Center about one year ago, after meeting Beth at a service at Christ the King church. We were moved by the need and the mission of the center, and immediately knew we wanted to get involved.
We started by learning the ropes and began doing whatever was needed on the day we volunteered. Some days, we assembled cribs, checked equipment for safety or recall, answered phones, or unpacked boxes. What has remained consistent each day is the quality and grace of each volunteer we have met. The MaRiH Center has genuinely attracted some of the most excellent and giving people, and it has been a joy to serve alongside them.
We feel blessed to be a part of something greater than ourselves, and to play a role in what God is doing for mothers and families in need in our area.
Jennifer and David S., Volunteers