
In 1974 we opened our doors to serve pregnant women and their children, to give options especially for women in crisis. We are still in operation because we want to serve and give you what is best for you and your family.

We’re MaRiH, a confidential emergency pregnancy service. If you’re pregnant or think you are, you may have lots of questions and some very mixed feelings. Please know that they’re perfectly normal and that every woman has them. We’re here for you. Call us and talk to someone who knows about pregnancy and who can listen and understand your questions and your doubts. You may have worries about money, your job, no insurance, your relationship with your parents, your boyfriend or your husband. We know about these things, but we don’t know you — not yet, and we’d like to. We will never tell you what to do only give you positive choices and a friend to walk with.

Everybody’s different, and every situation is different. Let’s talk about it. We can let you know what’s available, here at MaRiH, and in the community. Let MaRiH help. We really can, that’s why we’re here.